Our mission is to supply complete, customised engine solutions for OEMs working in the off-highway and marine fields.

Assistance for design, testing, commissioning and after-sales services.

Our values

A passion for engines

For our work, and for studying the best machine-engine combination.

Attention to our customers

In all phases, from design to after-sales.


For our interlocutors and staff of every origin, sex, culture and task, for the value they bring with their ideas and hard work.

Professionalism, integrity and reliability

We build relations based on trust and integrity, working in a professional, transparent and compliant climate.

Continuous improvement

HQ certified to ISO 9001:2015
Certificate no. 50 100 2955

Attention to the environment

Working in the ‘engines’ sector, we feel this responsibility even more, and this is why we only supply products with low environmental impacts.

Attention to technology and innovation

Striving for excellence, we work constantly to improve our human and technical skills.



RAMA S.p.A. has always promoted a corporate culture guided by the highest ethical standards, complying with regulations and upholding transparency and fairness in professional and personal relationships.